Nestled in the woods of Northeastern Pennsylvania, you will find a charming log cabin that is home to Wits End Designs Studio. This serene place offers me inspiration, creativity, and time for focused work.
Wits End Designs Workshop
About Me
The technique of fusing glass together in a kiln had always inspired a certain curiosity in me. I began my journey by taking several workshops. From the start, I was hooked! I started simply by reading many books by glass artists, exploring, and teaching myself. I bought a small kiln at the beginning. I was so fascinated about being able to cut, design, and fuse my own creations. Taking this raw material and transforming it into something wonderful that others can enjoy is extremely gratifying.
As a child, I was affectionately known by my family as Hobby Hound, working in leather, quilting, macrame, cross-stitching, candle-wicking, and stained glass. In the process of having a family and working full-time, I was pulled away from the arts and crafts that I once enjoyed. However in 2003, my Mom, lost her battle with cancer. She was such a creative, courageous and witty woman. Her “bigger than life” personality inspired me to continue exploring my creative self once again. I started making stained glass ornaments and Celtic panels at first. Then the fused glass bug hit and there was no turning back! Fast forward 20 years and I now have three kilns in my small studio. My business is booming. This “hobby” has allowed me to freely express my ideas through the medium of kiln-formed glass. It is my hope that each creation will bring joy into your home and into your life.
Best wishes,
Cheryl Karnatski
Joan Helen Bush with Slugger, Holly, Cindy, Cheryl (me)
The Original Wits End in White Haven, PA
Mom at "Her" Ocean
The Outer Banks Wits End